EGHRIN to host satellite symposium during EDCTP 10th Forum

EGHRIN, the European Global Health Research Institutes Network, is hosting a satellite symposium at the 10th EDCTP Forum on “Equal Voices: Addressing Inequities in Global Health Research Participation” on 19 October 2021 from 13h00 to 14h00 (GMT+2). Online participation in the event is possible and free of charge after registration.

Global public health research agendas are disproportionately shaped by the political and clinical priorities of male voices from the global North, as key funders and hubs of high capacity.  Communities from the global South and those identifying as female, tend to be underrepresented when the research agendas are decided that will directly impact their health and care.  Achieving equity in global health research requires representation from a wider range of voices than are currently represented in common fora. In this session we invite Catherine Kyotubungi (African Population and Health Research Center Kenya), Barbara Kerstiëns (European Commission, Head of the Unit RTD D1 – Combating Diseases) and Jolene Skordis (UCL London),  to reflect on mechanisms for inclusive agenda-setting which fully represent the global South, offer progress towards gender equity and stimulate action to follow rhetoric. The panel discussion is chaired by Richard Horton (Editor of The Lancet) and Eduardo Simao (EDCTP, High Representative for Africa).


The direct involvement of European academic institutions is crucial to an effective HERA