Research & policy for health equity
The European Global Health Research Institutes Network (EGHRIN) is a new network of leading research institutions in Europe promoting and advocating for Global Health research and innovation.
We aim to facilitate and strengthen the equitable collaboration among our institutes and their global partners. We provide knowledge insights that can inform improvements in health systems, including the development of cost-effective innovations for the long-term sustainability of healthcare systems worldwide.
Our Priorities
Building awareness on global health issues
Pursuing in all sectors policies and action towards access to health to ultimately provide high quality, affordable and equitable health and services care for all represents a serious challenge worldwide.
COVID-19 serves as a wake-up call for Europe and the rest of the world for prioritizing a bold global health agenda. This is the key for preparing health systems for future epidemics and emerging health threats, including antibiotic resistance, as well as for prevention and care of existing infectious and non-communicable disease challenges.
Strengthening the research and innovation ecosystem in Global Health
EGHRIN is working to strengthen the science and innovation ecosystem and to promote European academic excellence in global health research.
The network is playing a key role as an enabler for growing interdisciplinary research capacity, fostering entrepreneurship and educating the next generation of researchers.
Fostering collaboration among global health research institutes
EGHRIN aims to facilitate and strengthen collaboration among the network’s institutes and their global partners on high quality research for informing and improving health policies within and beyond health thus enhancing Europe’s global contributions and competitiveness in healthcare research and innovation.